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特邀讲师嘉宾:全律师 - 在上海市工商行政管理局工作十余年,现为锦天城资深律师、上海市工商局法律顾问、上海市广告协会的首席律师……


2019年4月26日 上海齐鲁万怡大酒店; 

2019年5月31日 深圳福朋喜来登酒店

1天课程价格:3980RMB/位 | 会议语言:中文

VIP:9800任选3天; 15800任选6天; 23800任选10天(限同一公司学员参加,有效期为1年)

谁该来参加 Who Should Attend:


General Manager, Finance Director, Legal Counsel, Government Relationship Director, BD Director, Sales Director, Mrk. Director and other related managers……

课程大纲 Course Outline:

引子 案件分析 Introduction – Case analysis

一张发票引发的大案 泰凌医药 (没收违法所得 11,427,014.69 元; 罚款 180,000 元整)分析

NT Pharma (a major case triggered by an invoice, involving confiscation of illegal income amounting up to CNY 11,427,014.69 and a penal sum amounting to CNY 180,000)



Part One: Compliance in the context of big data

一、         国家监察制度顶层设计完成

The top-design of national surveillance system has been completed

1.     “高压反腐”已成新常态

“Intensified combat with corruption” has become a new normal

2.     东南沿海地区的反贿赂执法相对活跃

Anti-corruption is enforced vigorously in the southeastern coastal areas 

二、         行政执法的数据分析

Analysis of data relating to administrative enforcement

1.     江、浙、沪地区的行政执法最为频繁

Administrative enforcement is most frequently performed in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai

2.     旧《反不正当竞争法》下的行政处罚多为从轻处罚

Most administrative punishments according to the previous edition of the Law against Unfair Competition are generally lenient

3.     违法所得的计算方式不统一,半数以上案件的违法所得低于 20 万元

Calculation of illegal income is made in a non-unified manner, and in most cases the amount of illegal income is no more than CNY 200,000

三、         刑事执法的数据分析

Analysis of data relating to criminal enforcement

1.     东南地区的刑事执法相对活跃

Criminal enforcement is relatively active in the southeast region

2.     打击腐败仍是刑事执法的重中之重

Combat with corruption remains a focus of criminal enforcement

3.     贿赂类犯罪的执法趋势是打击行受贿并重 

Enforcement against crimes of bribery tends to have equal emphasis on giving and taking bribes



Part Two: General category of commercial bribery 

一、         《反不正当竞争法》规定的新旧概念

New and old concepts defined in the Law against Unfair Competition

1.     商业贿赂的本质属性

Essential attributes of commercial bribery

2.     认定商业贿赂考量因素

Considerations for determination of commercial bribery

二、         商业贿赂的主体

Subjects of commercial bribery

三、         商业贿赂的财产性利益表现形式

Forms of property interests in commercial bribery

四、         商业贿赂与相似行为的关系

Relationship between commercial bribery and similar behaviors

1.    回扣Rebate 2.折扣discount 3.佣金commission 4.附赠annexed gift

五、         商业贿赂涉及的法律责任(详解)

 Legal liability involved in commercial bribery (in details)

1.    民事责任Civil liability 2.行政责任administrative liability 3.刑事责任criminal liability


Annex: Criteria for sentencing crimes of commercial bribery – Criteria for sentencing crimes of giving bribes



Part Three: Relevant industries and “commercial bribery”


 (In this part, cases are analyzed. Adjustment can be made before the lecture considering the types of participating companies)



Part Four: Analysis of key issues in commercial bribery

一、         穿透原则是不是一杆子捅到底呢

Does the “penetration” principle apply in all cases

1.     学校受全体学生委托与校服供应商签订校服购买合同案例

Case analysis -- Some school sign a purchase contract on behalf of all students in the school with a school uniform supplier for purchasing school uniforms

2.     穿透原则”的适用条件

Conditions for application of the penetration principle

3.     律师点评

Lawyer’s comments

二、         可以向交易相对方支付回扣吗

Is it legal to offer any rebate to any transaction counterparty

1.     法律释义

Legal construction

2.     妇幼保健院耗材案

Case analysis - Maternal and child health hospital’s consumables

3.     向交易相对方支付回扣在新《反不正当竞争法》下的合规风险

Offering a rebate to any transaction counterparty is threatened to violate the new Law against Unfair Competition

三、         企业常见赞助形式合法吗

Are common forms of sponsorship from enterprises legal

1.     上海 KN 医疗器械有限公司商业贿赂案

Case analysis - Shanghai KN Medical Apparatuses Co., Ltd. involving in commercial bribery

2.     合法赞助的基本特征

Basic characteristics of legal sponsorship

3.     实务中不同赞助形式的合法性

Legality of different forms of sponsorship in practice

对个人的赞助 Sponsorship to individuals

对单位的赞助 Sponsorship to organizations

对其他第三方的赞助 Sponsorship to other third parties

四、         如何认定有影响力的人呢

How to identify an influential person

1.     某建筑工程有限责任公司商业贿赂案

Case analysis - Some construction engineering company limited being involved in commercial bribery

2.     《刑法》和《反不正当竞争法》均禁止对有影响力的主体行贿

No bribe shall be offered to any influential subject according to the Criminal Law and the Law against Unfair Competition

3.     《刑法》对“有影响力的人”的界定

Definition of “influential individual” by the Criminal Law

4.     《反不正当竞争法》对影响交易的单位或个人的界定

Definition of “an organization or individual influencing a transaction” by the Law against Unfair Competition

五、         如何区分员工责任与企业责任呢

How to differentiate employees’ liability and the employer’s liability

1.     侵犯公民个人信息罪案例

Case analysis - Crime of infringing any citizen’s personal information

2.     案件点评


3.     案例二: 水泵企业商业贿赂案

4.     Case 2: A pump company being involved in commercial bribery

5.     案件启示




Part Five: Practice of law enforcement against commercial bribery

一、         实践中工商行政机关对当事人是否构成商业贿赂的判断

Determination of whether commercial bribery is constituted by competent administration of industry and commerce in practice

二、         工商行政管理机关在商业贿赂行政调查中重点关注的事实

Facts of focus in administrative investigation of commercial bribery by competent administration of industry and commerce

三、         工商行政机关对违法所得的认定方式

Upgrading of investigation means in administrative enforcement

四、         行政执法调查手段升级 五、从行政处罚证据目录看执法思路

Viewing the ideas of law enforcement from the perspective of evidence for administrative punishment



Part Six: Enterprises’ strategies to deal with law enforcement authorities

一、         当事人如何把握陈述和申辩

How to make a statement or defense

二、         配合工商行政管理机关商业贿赂行政调查的原则

Principle for cooperating with industry and commerce administration authorities in administrative investigation into commercial bribery

三、         其他应当考虑的因素

Other due considerations

四、         企业商业贿赂风控制度建立

Establishment of regulations on control over commercial bribery of enterprises

1.     基本合规制度的框架和工作节奏

Framework and working pace of the basic compliance system

2.     合规制度的意义从企业的一项免责抗辩转变为企业的一项强制义务

The significance of the compliance system turns, for an enterprise, from exception liberatoria to a compulsory obligation

3.     企业的合规指引细则

Rules guiding compliance of enterprises


Part Seven: Enterprises’ operation strategy in daily practice

一、         支付现金、礼券卡的实践指引

Practice guidance for payment in cash or with gift cards

二、         礼品的实践指引

Practice guidance for offering and receiving gifts

三、         回扣的实践指引

Practice guidance for offering rebates

四、         捐赠的实践指引

Practice guidance for donation

五、         商业性赞助的实践指引

Practice guidance for commercial sponsorship

六、         餐饮娱乐等消费项目的实践指引

Practice guidance for catering, entertainment and other consumption items

七、         培训项目的实践指引

Practice guidance for training programs

八、         学术会议的实践指引

Practice guidance for academic conferences

九、         第三方支付的实践指引

Practice guidance for payment via third parties

十、         性贿赂的规制分析

Analysis of regulation on sexual bribery

十一、    干股的实践指引

Practice guidance for holding performance shares


关于讲师 About the Speaker:

全开明 |中企联特邀专家讲师

ü  锦天城律所资深律师

Senior lawyer from All Bright Law Firm

ü  上海市工商局的法律顾问之一

Legal adviser of Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce

ü  2018年首届中国国际进口博览会知识产权咨询专家;

Advisory expert on intellectual property rights for the first China International Import Exposition in 2018;

ü  上海新沪商联合会的理事,为广大上海知名企业服务;

Member of Shanghai Entrepreneur Association, providing services to a wide range of well-known enterprises in Shanghai;

ü  上海市广告协会的首席律师,为上海广告领域服务;

Chief lawyer of Shanghai Advertising Association, providing legal services for the advertising industry;

ü  上海市企业发展专家志愿团专家导师

Member of the volunteer expert group for enterprise development in Shanghai;

ü  宁波商会的理事,已经作为常年法律顾问为商会数十家企业开展法律服务;

Member of Ningbo Chamber of Commerce, having provided legal services to tens of enterprises as a permanent legal advisor

ü  上海交大慧谷园区、徐汇区软件园、杭州恒生科技园等各类园区提供等专项法律培训和服务。

Providing special legal training and services for such parks as Shanghai Withub Park, Xuhui Software Park, Hangzhou Hengsheng Hi-tech Park, and etc. 

全律师,浙江宁波人,在上海市工商行政管理局工作十余年,目前在上海市锦天城 律师事务所,任资深律师。全律师在行政部门工作时,就负责监管执法相关的工作,包括专利、商标、广告等知识产权领域的行政执法工作,也包括传统的反不正当竞争执法、如商业贿赂等,并且积极参与 互联网领域的监管和执法工作,作为上海市网络监管部门的重要成员,建立了上海市首个互联网企业监管的综合平台,对互联网违法工作进行监管查处。

Bob Quan, born in Ningbo of Zhejiang Province, with more than ten years working experience in Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce, is now positioned as a senior lawyer in Shanghai All Bright Law Firm. During service for the administrative authority, he saw to work relating to supervision and law enforcement, including administrative enforcement relating to patents, trademarks, advertising and other intellectual properties, as well as traditional enforcement against unfair competition, such as commercial bribery. Besides, he is also an active participant in supervision and law enforcement concerning the Internet. As a key member of Shanghai Network Supervision Department, he has contributed to establishment of the first online comprehensive platform for enterprise supervision in Shanghai for supervision against and investigation into illegal online performances. 

咨询电话:010-62885261 传真:010-62885218
联 系 人:潘洪利 13051501222
网 址:www.zqLpx.com


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